Saturday, June 26, 2010

Last FULL day in Uganda.... Day 6

Today was our last full day and night here in Uganda.... this week has gone by too fast. I am going to miss all the kids and my new and old friends! This entire trip has been a complete BLESSING and each person has made it a trip I'll always remember. I hope to come back again really soon. We woke up and headed to Sozo to spend the entire day. We played with the kids and ate meals I experienced a lot of firsts:
- went grocery shopping at market for African food, learned about slaughtering animals (ex. Chickens) which I did not witness, but YES Josh cut its head off, watched a movie in Uganda with the kids, learned how to make, roll out, and cook Chipati (African tortilla is the best way to describe it.... Yummy!), and used the restroom in a hole because the water was off....enough said!!! It was a low key day compared to the rest because we stayed in one place all day but kinda crazy since there were 17 kids and 12 adults on the property.....but it was a FUN day. I was very disturbed by the chicken killing. Every Saturday at 5pm they kill the chicken that they will eat Sunday after church. Well Esau, the oldest kid he's 11, asked Josh earlier in the week if he would want to help. Well Josh of course said yes and Esau said it was a promise..... So since he couldnt break a promise Josh did it. It hurts my heart to think about it.... Carrie and I walk down the road to get some Mtn Dew during the slaughtering because I did not want to see or hear a thing. But Josh did get some pictures for anyone interested. Overall it was a great last day just hanging out with everyone! Please pray for Josh he is still not feeling great and I hope he is feeling better by the morning. I think he is exhausted and is having bad allergies from all the dust and dirt. I feel great! It has been such a PRAISE to literally have no major back pain ALL week! Even with bungee jumping.....Pray for that to continue through our travels home! Tomorrow we are going to Ggaba church, eating lunch, going back to Sozo to say bye to the kids :(, and then head to the airport....... Leaving is always bittersweet. This place has changed me forever and I am eternally grateful & humbled by this experience!

Picture above is of me hanging out in the den today with some of the kids:
Me, far left is Jalia, orange-Fatuma, green-Ivan, pink-Fredah, front-Victoria, dress- Mercy

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