Thursday, January 5, 2012

A New Year!

Well 2012 kicked off with a bang..... New year's day evening Josh came down with the stomach virus and was very ill. He was the 6th person in my family to get this bug over the holidays, so we braced ourselves and prayed I wouldn't get sick too. Thankfully, I was spared for this horrible bug but Josh was pitiful. Between the 2 of us I tend to be the one who is "sick" or having medical procedures so to see him so sick and so pitiful was hard. He kept asking if he was going to die..... I reassured him over and over that he would survive! And thanks to my superb nursing skills :) & lots of lysol, gatorade, crackers, and soup he made it through!

I started back work today..... first day in about 3 weeks. My back did pretty good overall. Little bit uncomfortable at times but I can take uncomfortable over debilitating pain ANY day!!! Continue to pray for great days & complete healing!