Friday, July 16, 2010

I have been meaning to blog all week:

On Sunday July 11. 2010 a horrific tragedy hit Kampala, Uganda, the place Josh had just spent 8 days with our friends. There were 2 terrorist bomb attack. (And afterward they have found that there were more than 2 bombs but the others were not detonated. The bomb at the other restaurant was a suicide bomb.) Our friends were 5-10 feet away from the explosion, and ALL praise and glory to our Lord, Jesus Christ that each of them survived and are safely now back home in the USA..... sweet home Alabama to be exact. They not only survived but each walked away with no serious injuries, WOW! How Great is our God! Last Sunday afternoon Josh and I spent the afternoon after church at my house watching the World Cup Final. After spending a week in Africa we had really gotten into soccer..... well at least the World Cup:) Little did we know as we were sitting comfortably on my couch watching the game our friends were experiencing their worst nightmare. It wasn't until that evening that we found out all that had happened....and Josh and I were shocked, it all seemed surreal. We had just left Kampala and felt so safe during our stay, how could this be?? We so badly wanted to ensure our friends were okay. After spending 8 days in Uganda we now had our American friends and our friends in Uganda..... Oh and not to mention the kids! Once we knew that each of them had survived we felt a little better but still wanted to understand why?? Why had this happened? Why Kampala? Why that specific restaurant? Its unfathomable for me to try and wrap my brain around these selfish acts of terror. The attack has been linked to Al Qaeda and affiliated with Somalia and the targets were foreigners, yes foreigners. We were all foreigners over there, but why attack Mzungu from Alabama?? Once our friends made it away from the attacks they stayed on lock down until their flights departed. What they have witnessed, encountered, and survived I know is difficult to comprehend and process but I have full faith that the Lord will use this to bring glory to His kingdom. He has a special calling on my friends life and I am blessed to call them my friends. Last night some of us got together to eat dinner with Carrie since she was back and it was great to hug her neck!! I hope to see the boys soon! We have heard from our friends in Uganda and sadly some of there families and friends lost their lives in the bombing attacks. Please pray for them, the orphans, the people's families who lost loved ones, the country of Uganda and its future. The enemy will not prevail in this attack because our God is Greater and He is good ALL of the time even during horrific circumstances and when things don't make sense.

"No despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loves us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow-not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below-indeed, NOTHING in ALL creation will EVER be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:37-39

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